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Friday, July 2, 2010

For you, the reader, to know what to do to initiate this very effective weightloss process, you must know my experience and where I'm at now.
I was 40lbs overweight....for my height (6'3") that is considered OBESE! I hung my head in shame right there in the doctors office. But that wasn't all. My blood pressure was 141/97. Very high and very bad. 120/70 is normal. Next was the cholesterol. That was over 500. Normal is about 150.
Needless to say, he put me on blood pressure medication and strict eating regimen. Now here's the ironic part. My wife has been losing weight since our last child was born and has been exercising daily. A big change she has made is THE QUALITY OF FOOD she buys. You see, what she eats, we eat. That is a good thing because if she eats healthy, then the rest of us eat healthy. Not necessarily so for me....

Now this is the most important part of the article. I used to eat at night starting at about 7:30pm for about an hour and a half. It could be anything we had in the house. This was after supper, with 2 helpings of everything. I did this for about 7 years until I hit an alltime high of 241lbs. When they weighed me at the doctors office and told me the weight, something changed or clicked in me that said "YOU WILL LOSE THIS WEIGHT AND YOU WILL NOT TAKE THESE PILLS THE REST OF YOUR LIFE"!
I made 2 very important changes that day. I STOPPED EATING AT NIGHT AND ATE THE QUALITY FOOD IN SMALLER PORTIONS. You also must come to a place in your life where you say enough is enough. I also started walking after supper to help digest the food. If I get hungry at night I have a glass of water instead of food which will cause me to gain weight because I sleep on it. As I said, I eat smaller portions meaning I count the calories...yes, count the calories. I rarely take in more than 550 calories at any meal. this may change when I reach my goal weight and relax a bit.

Here's the result: In 2 weeks I lost 10 recorded pounds at the doctors office and my blood pressure dropped as well. Not enough, but there was progress. I could breathe deeper and easier. I noticed a calm and a peace at different times during the day. After 2 more weeks, I lost 10 more pounds: total 20lbs. I'm not at my goal weight yet but I'm not obese anymore and my blood pressure is at manageable levels. I don't need to go to the doctor for 6 months. And as of today, I've lost an additional 7lbs and I feel very good.

If you do what I did, you are sure to see results.

The links at the top of the page can also help with weight loss and perhaps a new beginning.

Feel free to comment on this blog. Everything in it is the truth or I wouldn't have written it.

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